DISCLAIMER: Some products are outsourced and edited by a professional in that field to maximise quality. They are aware of this and receive adequate compensation.
Welcome to Inksy's Rocket League Coaching and Video Editing Services! Here you can find our products such as coaching and video editing, more products soon!
A 1 hour long coaching session with Inksy where you will recieve advanced advice tailored to your skills.
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A custom training plan catered to your strengths and weaknesses. This can be optimised to fit your schedule.
A Custom Profile Picture created by you, and designed by a professional!
An in-depth replay analysis with advanced tips and tricks to skyrocket your rank.
A 1 hour long coaching session with Inksy where you will recieve advanced advice tailored to your skills.
A 1m 10s-1m 40s informational video designed to work with the algorithm and generate as many views as possible. This will utilise topaz AI to ensure the best quality possible.
A Custom Youtube Banner, especially made for you! Outsourced to a professional in said field of expertise.
A 30s-1m 10s informational video designed to work with the algorithm and generate as many views as possible. This will utilise topaz AI to ensure the best quality possible.
A 20-40s montage video designed by a professional video editor with clean effects, colour changes and use of Topaz AI to optimise quality.
Straight forward advice based on your current and peak rank to help you rank up quicker.